Advance Ruling- Rate of tax (service)- The applicant has filed the present application to seek clarification for the rate of tax to be levied from the sub-contractor for original contract work pertaining to irrigation and construction work (works contract). The applicant submits that they should be charged 12% GST only and not 18% as applicable in other cases. Question on which Advance Ruling sought? The applicant has sought Advance ruling on the following: a) At what rate of tax the liability should be determined on services provided by us (sub-contractors) to the main contractor pertaining to the irrigation, construction and maintenance works to the irrigation department, State of Gujarat? b) Under which head we should classify our services to execute irrigation, construction and maintenance work supplied to the irrigation department, State of Gujarat? c) Whether to charge a tax rate of 12% GST or 18% GST? We find that the applicant is not a sub contractor but a sub sub contractor. The person to whom the service is supplied is specific in the Notification. Either, the service shall be supplied by main contractor to Government or the service shall be supplied by a sub contractor to the main contractor providing services to Government.
Authority for Advance Ruling, Gujarat held that :- GST rate on subject supply is 18% for services supplied by the sub-sub-contractor to sub-contractor M/s Radhe and supply merits entry at Heading 9954, Entry No 3(ii) of Notification No.11/2017-CT(R) dated 28-6-17.
Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling, Gujarat held that :- GST rate on subject supply is 18% for services supplied by the sub-sub-contractor to sub-contractor M/s Radhe and supply merits entry at Heading 9954, Entry No 3(ii) of Notification No.11/2017-CT(R) dated 28-6-17.